Thank you for visiting our website, its our hope you will find it informative and easy to understand and use.

In these terms and conditions page, the terms “we”, “us”, “our” and “it” refers to PAA and by using our website and accounting package , you agree to these terms.

Information about us, including without limitation text, graphics, button icons and logos are called "Our Information." We own all copyrights, trademarks, service marks and trade names relating to Our Information, which is proprietary to us. You may not copy, modify, display, license, distribute, transmit or download any of our Information without our prior written consent, except in connection with your authorized use of our website and you will not use our website, accounting packageand our information in an unlawful way.

Some pages allow you to send email and retract reports to your colleagues or personal use. By using these features, you agree to use it for defined purposes and not any unsolicited motives.

PAA, fully belongs to Ubuni Soluciones Limited but your user generated data belongs to you.

We may change these terms from time to time, without notice to you. Your continued use of our website indicates your agreement to these terms and any changes.